Activities for Youth and Adults
We welcome you to explore the many ways that people
of all ages can become involved in the life of the church.
Children's Christian Education
Pastor Fred leads the children in a Youth Sermon every week, and we have Sunday School on the first and last Sundays of the month. It is for children ages 4 - Confirmation age, and includes Bible stories, activities and a snack.
Pastor Fred prepares children for First Communion and Confirmation as the children are ready, on a schedule that works for the youth and their families. He is wonderful at creating meaningful and fun learning experiences such as making the bread for their First Communion.

The children help with activities in the church. One favorite activity is planting flowers. You can see the beautiful results all summer in the colorful pots around the church.

Bible Study
Pastor Kopp leads Bible Study classes several times each year. The classes are informal and based on discussion and sharing of ideas. All are invited. Bibles are provided. The classes take place both in the church and on Zoom. Check the Home page Activities section to see if a Bible study is in progress or about to start. Attend any sessions that match your schedule.
Hope and Healing: Christian Cancer Support

If you are in need of support, or if you have questions, please contact Linda through the church office by phone or email.
Augustana offers one-on-one support for those on a journey with cancer. Through phone calls, emails, texts, or 1:1 in-person conversations and prayers, Linda, the leader for this ministry, can quickly give individualized help as needed.
Linda shares this prayer:
Dear Lord, I don’t know who or what will cross my path today but I do know that You are my rock and my fortress. You are my shield and my strong tower. Help me to anchor myself to You today. Teach me how to stand strong in You and choose only Your way today. Help me walk by Your truth and not my feelings. Help me to embrace anything that comes my way as an opportunity to see You at work and as an opportunity to point others to You. Amen.
Worship & Music

People serve the congregation as Deacons, and as members of the Altar Guild.
We also have a Cantor who leads the congregation in singing hymns, and a choir. The choir sings an anthem weekly except during the summer, when we have soloists and smaller groups.
We incorporate many styles of music to enhance the service.
Our bell choir plays on Christmas Eve.
If you are interested in becoming part of the music offered at Augustana, please talk to Ed Kramer, our organist / choir director through the church office email or phone.

We look for ways to involve children in the church service:
As acolytes, youth light altar candles.
Those who take music lessons may play their instrument, working our music director.
Kids can help in other ways, too. Just talk to Pastor Fred about your child's interests.

Activities for Youth and Adults
We welcome you to explore the many ways that people
of all ages can become involved in the life of the church.
Children's Christian Education
Pastor Fred leads the children in a Youth Sermon every week, and we have Sunday School on the first and last Sundays of the month. It is for children ages 4 - Confirmation age, and includes Bible stories, activities and a snack.
Pastor Fred prepares children for First Communion and Confirmation as the children are ready, on a schedule that works for the youth and their families. He is wonderful at creating meaningful and fun learning experiences such as making the bread for their First Communion.

The children help with activities in the church. One favorite activity is planting flowers. You can see the beautiful results all summer in the colorful pots around the church.

Bible Study
Pastor Kopp leads Bible Study classes several times each year. The classes are informal and based on discussion and sharing of ideas. All are invited. Bibles are provided. The classes take place both in the church and on Zoom. Check the Home page Activities section to see if a Bible study is in progress or about to start. Attend any sessions that match your schedule.
Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center: LCLC

LAKE CHAUTAUQUA LUTHERAN CENTER, INC. is a ministry of the Upstate New York Synod of the ELCA. It is a year-round center for outdoor ministry for children and adults. They are especially known for their residential summer camps for youth in grades 1-12. Children from Augustana can (and do!) participate in LCLC camps.

Lutheran Youth WNY

Children of Augustana and other area ELCA churches can participate in Lutheran Youth WNY, which is a youth ministry program and resource mainly for youth in grades 6-12 . They also have some programming for children in elementary school. Activities vary by age level and include age-appropriate service opportunities, retreats, and faith-centered fun events.
Men's Club
This informal group does activities such as cooking Easter brunch, and organizing our church's participation in the annual Lutheran Charities night at the Bisons. It is always a fun night!

Sociables is a group that attends plays and concerts, visiting sites in the community, and more. All are welcome to participate.
Landscaping and Gardens

The landscaping and gardens of Augustana are beautiful year round, thanks to volunteers. The two newest gardens are of native plants; plants that are native to Erie County, with a goal of supporting pollinators.
There is always something new in the garden - from daffodils and lilacs in the spring to milkweed and coneflowers in the summer and fall.

Say 'Hi' if you see us working in the gardens and let us know if you would like an informal tour.

Coffee Hour

Groups or individuals take turns hosting coffee hour. Coffee hour
is a great time to get to know people better and learn more about Augustana. Perhaps the conversation will help you think about what kinds of outreach and activities interest you, and maybe you have an idea you want to share.
Coffee Hour meets every week after church.
Niagara River Painters Group
The Niagara River Painters group is a community organization that meets at Augustana on Monday evenings from September through May. They are a partner agency of Augustana. To learn more about the group, contact Augustana's church office to leave them a message.