Augustana is committed to helping those who are in need. We have a variety of initiatives that assist people in the local community, the US, and around the world. Visitors are invited to assist in these projects. Contact the church office for details and to become involved, or stop in to learn more.

RIDE: Refugee Immigrant Driver Education

In 2007, Augustana instituted RIDE, the Refugee Immigrant Driver Education program, to help individuals earn their driver’s licenses. It is the only program of its kind in Western New York.
Augustana volunteers have aided more than 100 participants from 30 different countries in obtaining driver’s licenses. Additional participants have earned their driving permit.
Costs, from training materials to the permit test fee and professional driving lessons, are covered by individual donations, Lutheran Charities, the Lutheran Foundation of WNY, and Thrivent Financial. Augustana is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations can be made payable and sent to:
Augustana Lutheran Church
3143 Eggert Road
Tonawanda, NY 14150
Apply: Print the application. Submit it to Augustana by US mail or Email. Instructions are on the application.
Ask questions: Contact the RIDE program director, Johanna Andritz: RIDEAugustana@gmail.com / (716) 870-8518
God's Work. Our Hands.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) annually holds a national day of service called "God's Work. Our Hands.' ELCA churches across the US choose service projects that benefit their communities.
Our most recent "God's Work. Our Hands.' project was a community baby shower to benefit Harvest House and the Response to Love Center, initiated by St. Paul's Lutheran in Williamsville.

Food Pantry Support
We support the Community of Good Neighbors Food Pantry throughout the year. We make regular deliveries to the Community of Good Neighbors and they distribute the food to those in need.
If you would like to donate non-perishable foods, contact Augustana's office to arrange a time to drop them off.
Contact the food pantry for assistance or more information: (716) 768-1998.
Cold Weather Gear
Augustana collects cold weather gear for local charities such as Friends of the Night People and the Community of Good Neighbors.
Hearts for the Homeless
In our parking lot, we have a community collection box for clothing, shoes and blankets. Donations go Hearts for the Homeless, a non-profit Christian organization in Buffalo, NY.

Throughout the year we raise funds for charities that
help people in need locally, nationally, and globally.
Read about some of the programs we support:
Evangelical Model Primary School, Roknola Village, Sierra Leone
In 2001, Augustana sponsored a family to come to Buffalo from Sierra Leone, in West Africa. At the time the nation was experiencing a civil war. Through this family, we have become involved with the Evangelical Model Primary School in Roknola Village, which is near Masaika Town.
Children in Sierra Leone experience a high rate of poverty so we help provide food for the children at lunch time. We also gather donations toward the completion of the school building.
When we receive updates on the school we share them in our newsletter, which is posted on our News page.
The photo below was taken at the school. We are proud to present this video that shows the the children and the progress being made in the building of the school.
Click here for additional photos and to learn more about our involvement with this school. To make a donation, please contact the church office by email or phone.

Lutheran Charities of WNY
Lutheran Charities supports 14 agencies and programs that benefit people in our local community. Read more about Lutheran Charities of WNY.
Lutheran Disaster Response
Lutheran Disaster Response works in the US and around the world to help people affected by natural disasters. Read more about Lutheran Disaster Response.

ELCA World Hunger
This fund addresses hunger in both the United States and in other nations.
Every year In the fall, we hold a drive for ELCA World Hunger called 'God's Global Barnyard,' with individuals choosing farm animals to be given to those in need, culminating in a luncheon to celebrate and to thank the donors. This year our congregation donated more than $1,000 to World Hunger. We are grateful and proud of the congregation's steady support of this important fund.