Sunday Worship at 9:30 am
in the sanctuary and via Zoom
Our church service is designed to renew your spirit and support your journey through life in the presence of caring people. Everyone who worships with us is a valued part of our faith community.
We gather for confession and forgiveness, listen to readings and a message from Pastor Fred (including a youth sermon), pray, have weekly communion, sing hymns, and pray for individuals at the end of the service.
There is a 'Cry Room' right behind the sanctuary where parents can take their children and still hear and see the service. Children of all ages are also welcome to stay in the sanctuary throughout the service. We have coffee hour every week after the service and all are invited.
We also 'Zoom' the service weekly, live from the sanctuary. Our Zoom congregation includes people from WNY and cities outside New York State. If you have friends or relatives who live out of town, now you can worship with them - you can both participate from your homes, or one person can worship in the sanctuary and the other can participate by Zoom. Learn about Zoom.
Meet our Pastor
One of Pastor Fred's favorite bible verses is from Micah 6:8: And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God. Read Pastor's letter and learn more about his ministry at Augustana.
Activities for Kids and Adults
We have activities throughout the year for young people and adults. Read about our activities.
The people of Augustana are committed to Outreach, including helping area refugees learn to drive, raising money for a Christian school in Sierra Leone, and collecting food for local pantries. Read about all the ways we share the love of Jesus.
RIDE: Refugee Immigrant Driver Education
For more than 15 years, Augustana has been teaching refugees and immigrants the skills they need to pass their learner's permit, and supporting them in earning their driver's licenses. Learn more and apply here.
Sunday School
Children ages 4 - Confirmation age
We invite all children (ages 4 - Confirmation age) to join us for Sunday school on the first and last Sundays of each month. After communion, at about 10:15, the children will leave the sanctuary with their teacher and have Sunday School until 11:00 am, including Bible stories, activities, and snacks. Parents can also enjoy a snack and a cup of coffee in the adjacent hall, or they are welcome to stay in the Sunday School room with their child. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.
Augustana's Book Club
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 21 @ 7 pm
Ongoing Collection for Outreach
Food for Community of Good Neighbors
We are always collecting food for the Community of Good Neighbors in Buffalo, which is a ministry of the ELCA led by Pastor Kwame Pitts. CGN has an updated 'needs' list: cereal, peanut butter and jelly. (Please do not donate fresh or frozen foods, coffee, paper products, or personal hygiene products).
Daily Devotionals for adults and Happy Times magazine for kids
Available in church, or ask for one to be mailed to you
Please visit Augustana and take home a copy of Christ in Our Home daily devotional or Happy Times magazine for young children. Contact us by email or phone if you would like us to mail you a copy.
Visitors and New Members
Everyone is invited!
We invite you to visit Augustana and experience the warm spirit of the congregation. New members join throughout the year and we welcome you to join, too. Learn more about us; ask questions. At Augustana, we share the love of Jesus in our changing world.
Hope and Healing: Christian Cancer Support
Individualized caring and prayer
Augustana offers one-on-one support for those on a journey with cancer. Through phone calls, emails, texts, or 1:1 in-person conversations and prayers, Linda, ministry leader, can quickly give individualized help as needed. See additional details on Activities page.
Prayer Chain
Supporting those in need of prayer
Mission Statement
Augustana is a Christian family in faith that prays together to know Christ and works to make Christ known throughout the community.